Thursday 16 June 2016

Diffusion Notes


Dissolved substances have to pass through the cell membrane to get into or out of a cell. Diffusion is one of the processes that allows this to happen.
Diffusion occurs when particles spread. They move from a region where they are in high concentration to a region where they are in low concentration. Diffusion happens when the particles are free to move. This is true in gases and for particles dissolved in solutions. Particles diffuse down a concentration gradient, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This is how the smell of cooking travels around the house from the kitchen, for example.

Examples of diffusion

Two examples of diffusion down concentration gradients

locationparticles movefromto
gutdigested food productsgut cavityblood in capillary of villus
lungsoxygenalveolar air spaceblood circulating around the lungs

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