Thursday 13 March 2014

Assignment 7 P.3

P.3       Observing the universe
Distant stars and galaxies are too far away for us to reach. We cannot go to them to study them. So everything we know about distant stars and galaxies comes from analysing the radiation they produce.
Telescopes are devices used to observe the universe. There are many different types and some are even sited in space.
Optical telescopes
Optical telescopes observe visible light from space. Small ones allow amateurs to view the night sky relatively cheaply but there are very large optical telescopes sited around the world for professional astronomers to use.
Optical telescopes on the ground have some disadvantages:
they can only be used at night
they cannot be used if the weather is poor or cloudy.
Other telescopes
Radio telescopes detect radio waves coming from space. Although they are usually very large and expensive, these telescopes have an advantage over optical telescopes. They can be used in bad weather because the radio waves are not blocked by clouds as they pass through the atmosphere. Radio telescopes can also be used in the daytime as well as at night.
X-rays are partly blocked by the Earth's atmosphere and so X-ray telescopes need to be at high altitude or flown in balloons.
Space telescopes
Objects in the universe emit other electromagnetic radiation such as infrared, X-rays and gamma rays. These are all blocked by the Earth's atmosphere, but can be detected by telescopes placed in orbit round the Earth.
Telescopes in space can observe the whole sky and they can operate both night and day. However, they are difficult and expensive to launch and maintain. If anything goes wrong, only astronauts can fix them.
A large number of observatories have been launched into orbit, and most of them have greatly enhanced our knowledge of the extraterrestrial universe.
Performing astronomy from Earth's surface is limited by the filtering and distortion of electromagnetic radiation (scintillation or twinkling) due to the atmosphere. Some terrestrial telescopes (such as the Very Large Telescope) can reduce atmospheric effects with adaptive optics. A telescope orbiting Earth outside the atmosphere is subject neither to twinkling nor to light pollution from artificial light sources on Earth.
Space-based astronomy is even more important for frequency ranges which are outside of the optical window and the radio window, the only two wavelength ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum that are not severely attenuated by the atmosphere. For example, X-ray astronomy is nearly impossible when done from Earth, and has reached its current importance in astronomy only due to orbiting X-ray telescopes such as the Chandra observatory and the XMM-Newton observatory. Infrared and ultraviolet are also greatly blocked.
Space observatories can generally be divided into two classes: missions which map the entire sky (surveys), and observatories which make observations of chosen parts of the sky.

Many space observatories have already completed their missions, while others continue operating, and still others are planned for the future. Satellites have been launched and operated by NASA, ESA, Japanese Space Agency and the Soviet space program later succeeded by Roskosmos of Russia.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Assignment 7 P.2 The Universe.

The Universe is huge and possibly infinite in volume. The matter which can be seen is spread over a space at least 93 billion light years across.[12] For comparison, the diameter of a typical galaxy is only 30,000 light-years, and the typical distance between two neighboring galaxies is only 3 million light-years.[13] As an example, our Milky Way Galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years in diameter,[14] and our nearest sister galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, is located roughly 2.5 million light years away.[15] There are probably more than 100 billion (1011) galaxies in the observable universe.[16] Typical galaxies range from dwarf galaxys with as few as ten million[17] (107) stars up to giants with one trillion[18] (1012) stars, all orbiting the galaxy's center of mass. Thus, a very rough estimate from these numbers would suggest there are around one sextillion (1021) stars in the observable universe; though a 2003 study by Australian National University astronomers resulted in a figure of 70 sextillion (7 x 1022).[19]
The matter that can be seen is spread throughout the universe, when averaged over distances longer than 300 million light-years.[20] However, on smaller length-scales, matter is observed to form 'clumps', many atoms are condensed into stars, most stars into galaxies, most galaxies into galaxy groups and clusters and, lastly, the largest-scale structures such as the Great Wall of galaxies.
The present overall density of the Universe is very low, roughly 9.9 × 10−30 grams per cubic centimetre. This mass-energy appears to consist of 73% dark energy, 23% cold dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. The density of atoms is about a single hydrogen atom for every four cubic meters of volume.[21] The properties of dark energy and dark matter are not known. Dark matter slows the expansion of the Universe. Dark energy makes its expansion faster.
The Universe is old, and changing. The best good guess of the Universe's age is 13.798±0.037 billion years old, based on what was seen of the cosmic microwave background radiation.[22][23][24] Independent estimates (based on measurements such as radioactive dating) agree, although they are less precise, ranging from 11–20 billion years[25] to 13–15 billion years.[26]
The universe has not been the same at all times in its history. This getting bigger accounts for how Earth-bound people can see the light from a galaxy 30 billion light years away, even if that light has traveled for only 13 billion years; the very space between them has expanded. This expansion is consistent with the observation that the light from distant galaxies has been redshifted; the photons emitted have been stretched to longer wavelengths and lower

Sunday 9 March 2014

Assignment Seven

The final Frontier

P1 Planet data
The  Earth is  one of a family of  eight planets.  All of these are  orbiting round the Sun.  Together with the Sun and the  8 planets  makes our  Solar System.  All eight  planets are  different in every respect.  For example, in shape,  size and conditions.  The distances between the planets are enormous.
Inner Planets
Distance from the Sun (million Km)
Time to Travel once round the Sun ( Earth years)
Diameter (Km)

Outer Planets
Distance from the Sun (million Km)
Time to Travel once round the Sun ( Earth years)
Diameter (Km)
In addition to these 8 planets are 3 smaller dwarf planets. As of August 24, 2006, Pluto was no longer considered a planet and is instead described as a Dwarf Planet.
Dwarf Planets
Distance from the Sun (million Km)

Time to Travel once round the Sun ( Earth years)

Diameter (Km)


This is a link to the Assignment six materials.